STORY SIGN UPS looking for name, age, apperance, SHORT bio, skills and ability!!! Skills: ARMY SOLDIER: Trained in the army has basic weapon and survival skills with courage and leadership (fighting and army skills) MEDIC: Healing, posion and deadly knives (Healing and stealth kills) PHYSICAL: Able to change body looks and spieces (Shape shifter) ASSASSIN: Has knives, hidden blades and able to do impossible free running skills MENTAL: Able to talk and send messages with the mind, Move things without touching them and make people do what they want Abilitys: CHARGER: Leads the line with courage PAIN BUFFER: Carrys on even with pain STRENGH: Able to move impossibly heavy objects SPEED: Able to move swords and run at the speed of light PYROMANIC: Carrys LOT'S of bombs (Loves Explosions)
Name: Nífäel Age: 18 Skills: ALL LOL... Abilities: ALL haha... Bio: the crown prince of a huge kingdom..... Appearance: Gold, sun-bleached straight hair. Sea-blue eyes, tanned skin. Quite Muscular. Usually found in 3-quarter Cloth trousers, and a tight-fitting tunic.(Makes his muscles swell) (a chick-magnet)
Assasin named NIKITA trained by a special ops team than found out they killed my family.... I escaped division and now my own trainer Micheal is hunting me down...I have a partner inside named Alex. We work together to stop division. The last thing they will say before I kill them is my name NIKITA