Story made by u!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Simple here I pick the background and setting. You the KaW fanfic universe will decide what happens to the character that you make. I write the story in detail and you control the adventure!

    Ok well the background is Monster fighting. We will have a group of regular people be whisked away to another universe uncoincidentaly. They are confused and scared and must pull together to make it. But monster from this world threaten them at every turn. Will they make it out alive, learn how to control the monsters, or slowly kill themselves off? You decide!
  2. Let's start with characters not like sign ups but deciding who they will be savvy?
  3. i wanna be a character
  4. Ok make a character
  5. HeroFromDaHood is a giant of a man, he's got his mandolin with him. His only weapon is a foldable butterfly knife. He's dressed in dungarees and wears a yellow jungle hat. There are tools sticking out of his pocket. A claw hammer, a monkey wrench, a hacksaw with 3 spare blades, a screwdriver, a 19-tools in one, a solar powered torchlight, his iPhone, a big red kerchief sticks out from another pocket. He is also wearing leather Timberland shoes. Waterproof to the shins.
  6. Hidden is a tall thin man. He's wearing black from top of his head to the tip of his toes. He looks like Zorro. He's got a black hat with a huge black feather, he's wearing a rapier in his black leather belt. He has wearing a black long sleeved shirt with two breast pockets buttoned down, in his left pocket is his bullet proof wallet, in his right pocket is his drivers license and a FAD. His custom maid shirt is made of space age materials, lightweight, tearproof, knifeproof. His stylish black pants are lightweight and waterproof, it's pockets are filled with 12-fragmentation grenades the size of quail eggs. In the holster at his ankle is a H&K P7M13 with two spare mags and a silencer. He also has a shoulder harness with a Mauser Broomhandle, with three spare magazines and a silencer. He also has a black full length cloak covering him from neck to ankle. The cloak is waterproof, tearproof, and has an active camouflage system built in, the power lasts for 8-hours, charging is by solar power. It takes 12-hours to charge up the cloak in very bright sunlight. The cloak comes with an assortment if connecters for charging other devices, such as an iPhone etc. His communication of choice is a gold-plated, Vertu communicator.
  7. I
    Look like that guy :D
  8. Zap2340 is a lady, she's petite and cute. Despite her size, she's holding a Winchester over-under shotgun. She's dressed in hunting clothes, she's got a buckskin waist coat over a flannel long sleeved shirt. She has a black felt cowboy hat with a Sheriff's star on it. On the breast pocket if her waist coat is another Sheriff's badge. She's wearing Levis boot cut jeans and on her hips are a pair of 45s, and the belt is also filled with 60 cartridges of .45s. Across her chest she carries a bandolier of shotgun shells 50 to be exact. She's wearing Police polaroid sunglasses. She's also wearing leather boots with spurs. Over her shoulder she has a pack with some dried rations and her bedroll. Smoke is curling out off her barrels indicating that her weapon has been fired recently. In her pockets she has a Zippo lighter, a pack of unfiltered Camel cigarettes, and a pouch of tobacco and a tobacco pipe. Her phone of choice is a Motorola V3i. In her hipflask is pure moonshine
  9. Epic-Beast is a guy who looks like the one in the picture but more refined. He's big and muscular, is holding a very big rock borer. He's wearing waterproofs which are green over a tshirt. He's also wearing a Lee-Cooper jeans with a brown leather belt with a huge biker belt buckle with a .22 Magnum North American Arms derringer, it's loaded with 4 rounds. His belt holds the remaining 100 rounds. In his pockets he has a bottle of Chivas .50 cl sticking out of his back pocket. One one foot long one inch diameter cigar, a cigar cutter and a jet burner cigarette lighter. He's wearing Danier Army boots laced to the shin under his jeans. On his left hand he's wearing a Ball wristwatch. In his left breast pocket is a Oakley sunglasses with mirror lens. He has a wallet with some credit cards and 1000$ cash. He also has a desert camouflage kerchief around his neck
  10. Ok good to go story up soon
  11. Lol I'm future Zoro
  12. Fee fi fo fum im a giant!