story ideas

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by mrTacos2503, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. Plz post any ideas for a story. Fantasy fiction .(also imma dude so nothing soppy plz)
  2. Hmm I'm a bit late but by fantasy fiction do you want something with a lot of fighting/war type(action) or something more like an adventure?
  3. Hmmm...
    Ok how about this:

    Setting: Fantasy world called "(Insert name of your choice)" This world is inhabited by dragons and humans.
    Main character is a "hybrid" breed of half human, half dragon. He looks like a human but can change to grow leathery wings, claws and sharp teeth.(but human body) Those of this hybrid race are called an "Emigina".
    There are actually a lot of them but due to the world's fear of dragons, Emigina's are hunted and slaughtered publicly. The main character doesn't know he's one until he's one day provoked and attacked by his peers.
    He runs away and meets other Emigina's. They start a whole revolution thing together and plan to siege/attack the world's capital.

    That's the base you could use, its a common plot but edit and throw in a few other creative ideas to make it interesting and that should be enough I suppose.