Hello, KaW. Welcome to my official story feedback thread. ^ Well, I'll answer. It's the place where you can critique and give feedback on all the chapters of my stories. So far, a story is in development right now and I'm going to post it soon, so be patient. :lol: And when I DO upload one, I will post the link here, making it a useful go to. :geek: UPDATE! [12/2/14] Character bios are out! :!:Character Bios! KEY Red= Constructive criticism. Also use red if you want me to change or edit something. I don't know what's wrong until you tell me. :lol: Yellow= bb code fails. Yes, these happen. If you see any in one of my stories, quote the bb code fail and post it on this thread. I will edit it if I haven't already. Green= If you just looooooooooved one of my chapter(s), post your feedback in green. It really gives me more motivation to see you guys liking my story. :mrgreen: White= This is the default chat color. If you just wanna chat with someone or you want to chat with me, feel free to use this. Please don't be a troll or be mean. If you are, I will ask you to leave the thread. Well that's about it from me, I will update my post on here when I upload one of my chapters. Ciao!
I was planning on writing a book or poem or something, but I can't get around to it. :| Maybe I'll start it soon.