Story Characters :)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *pocketprincess (01), Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Alright everyone, I need fan fiction's help! I am hoping to be making a book and I need help with Characters. These characters must be dashing, daring, or something unique about them. I will only be picking some characters and by putting your idea in, you have the opportunity to be in the book. Some may wonder: what is the book about? Well, I am not sure yet. I was hoping the characters I pick will help shape the plot and become a magnificent story!! There are some requirements -gasp-

    Here are the requirements:
    Why your character should be in the book:

    I will only be picking the ones I,
    A) like
    B) have put in what is required in a well thought process
    C) actually did the requirements

    If you are bored and/or like poems go to the forum poems. By etak
    That is where I do many of my poems :) I would enjoy reading the feedback; negative or positive.

    Thank you for taking your own time to read this :)

  3. Name: Kira Raze


    Description:Hair-Black; Eyes-Purple; Clothing-Dark Colors, always wears black cloak;

    Weapons-(don't know if you need) Dual wielding

    Character:Quiet, mysterious and quite the troublemaker. He is seen in unexpected places. He is mostly distant but friendly.

    Age:15-18 (whatever you want)

    Bio: developed amnesia at the age of 6 and has been an orphan for as long as he could remember.
  4. This type of post shows that you're not ready to write. How? You've got absolutely no idea what to do, so you've asked people to give you each their own thing - that leads to a jumbled mess.

    Only ask for characters when you have an idea. Then, you won't end up with a romantic sci-fi about a spaceman, werewolf, and a telepath from underground.
  5. Cheesemuffin; I have learned that the characters shape the story. Yes, I do not know what genre to do but I am hoping to be inspired by the great people of kaw. This will not turn into a jumbled mess I assure you.
  6. Could I give you twins?
  7. Characters affect a story, but they do not affect an uncreated story.

    Think of it as a construction project. You don't have blueprints, you just ask people for any spare materials. So you end up with sixteen tons of satin, eight tons of brick, and only two pounds of wood.

    What then? Somehow, you'll have to make it all fit together. It won't be easy.
  8. Alrighty,
    Names: Copplin(c), Radar(r)
    Height: c 5'10 r 5'9
    Description: both orange eyes c white hair, bandana around his neck r dark brown hair, scarf that covers most of his face
    Age: 19
    Character: out going, love explosions, And fighting, known to play pranks
    Weapons(?): c good with most guns, specialized in throwing weapons(knives, axes and all that what not) r good with bows, for guns best with sniper, can't throw weapons worth a damn
    Why they should be in the story: because every story needs a pair of sexy twins
  10. Name: Blair Van Burin
    Description: Hair- dark bown and curly; eyes-brown; skin- white;clothing- wears a lot for preppy clothes and never wears jeans
    Character: Thinks she is perfect but is flawed. Does everything possible to tear other people down. Must always look better than other people. Loves to manipulate her friends.
    Age: 17-18
    Why your character should be in the story: she is the ultimate Queen bee that won't let anyone get in the way. A major female dog ;)
  11. Collin
    Expert Parkourist/ known prankster
    Good with bows snipers and hand to hand combat

    Wears dark clothes and hood that blend in with
    shadows brown hair grey eyes

    Cause he is awesome and he does Parkour wand his favorite line is Like a Boss. And he is really sneaky that can get away with every prank
  12. I agree with Cheese but I'm going to be a hippocrit (even though I can't I spell it).....

    Bonnie Casson
    Dark born hair in a lob, cute ears, chocolate brown eyes, big nostrils, skinny, short, of Asian descent
    Ditzy, absent minded, forgetful, happy. She always tries to do the right thing but often gets confused. She is a huge perfectionist and often breaks down crying if things aren't perfect and/or she is confused.
    Age: 19

    I will continue....
  13. I think Bonnie should be in the story because she possible comic relief and she's not like the usual character many people post (dark, mysterious, perfect, bad ....... But sometimes good in the end). She's interesting but not over the top complicated.
  14. I'm seconding Cheesemuffin on this. I do believe characters shape a story, not create one. You need even something for the characters to go one. Is this sci-fi? Adventure? Real life? Futuristic? Present? Romantic?
  15. Based upon the characters that are being posted, it's going to be realistic :) I have a few candidates in mind,but I may have to change ages.
  16. NAME : Kazami

    Height : 5"8

    Description Blue eyes , Jet black hair , quiet , peaceful , . Unnoticeable .

    Age : 19

    Why he should be in your book This character is a mix of some famous characters from other books and hasn't been used yet :p sorry for bbcode errors
  17. Oh god the BB codes.
  18. Name: Begeater
    Height: 3 1/2 feet
    Description: She's a midget (person of small stature). she is quite obese, has short greasy hair with dandruff flakes dropping onto her clothes, dark brown eyes and has a ring in her nose. (Since she's small and fat she looks a bit like a bowling ball).
    Character: She is quite friendly even though alot of people find her disgusting, she tries to make friends and tags a long with people but they soon get annoyed with her since she never stops talking about random crap. She's also very clumsy and usually ends up falling into people or hurting herself.
    Age: 18
    Background: She was a dumpster baby and was found and raised by a pack of rats in the woods, once she could walk she wondered into town and found herself an orphan. The orphanage potty trained her and taught her how to talk with great difficulty at the age of 11, now she has left school and has nowhere left to go so lives her life at the orphanage helping newcomers.