Stop with the Regurgitated Events

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Dear Developers,
    I do not make these types of threads often. However, with the past 4 PVP events being the exact same thing and the last 2000 EB events being the exact same thing, we need some spice. How, on a tap tap game you might ask? Throw a curve ball in; make events memorable. There are PLENTY of ideas that have been thrown out there in the "New Ideas + Features" category of Forum. Or, come up with something yourselves. You are paid professionals, after all. As of now, all that is needed to win an event right now is $. I know that is what you want. The addition of the new event page is an amazing step in the right direction. But please, make us think when we do these events instead of mindlessly tap-tapping on HTE. That isn't fun after the past events being the exact same thing.

    Yes I realize this is a wall of text.

    TL;DR - Devs need to make events fun instead of mindless.
  2. the lack of variety in these events is an outrage!
  3. Buy seals so it will be fun
  4. I understand that they like having people do a variety of ebs, so if they can't stop the whole 4 items needed. Why not slow it down to only 2 items needed?
  5. I just started participating in these events, it's like they're new to me.
  6. Pledge your allegiance to me. I shall spare your kingdom.
  7. Your just dragging an old joke on longer than it needs. Just stop.
  8. nah. but congrats. you made spragga jokes not funny anymore.
  9. Support
  10. It's all a big joke until you wake up with a build like mine.
  11. @Spragga, I've reset multiple times, 5 of which were lc. Please, give me a challenge.
  12. I have 2 things to say:

    Lure of the hive -- a different and quirky event with special EB. We need more fancy events like that (obviously not copies of that event)

    Also, a way to make pvp more fun...

    Make random clans suddenly drop 4x the shards/flowers/item than other clans. Community can work together by the cover of cc and PM to find those clans. The moment that clan name is uttered in wc with buzzwords such as "event", "4x", or "hit these guys" the system picks a new clan for 4x hits.
    Make clans opt into this with the whole of their clan being involved in pvp, if you leave the clan then you opt out of the event and lose all your items. Promotes clan loyalty in events as well as some detective work that's more interesting than spamming BL/WC/a saved hansel list etc

  13. @Moody, that would definitely give a fun new aspect to PvP events as well as promote clan loyalty. Although I think the "4x drops" wouldn't work as there would be the chance of a b2b HTE clans getting it and making it supper unfair for others.
  14. I'd like clan PvP events.

    Don't know how. But, yeah.
  15. Support to hell with these events ! Too many too often they stink more and more each time
  16. Beginner - if an entire HTE clan opts into a pvp event I'll eat my hat :p
  17. Lol I misread that. I thought it was like a PvP blitz, where the normal items still drop from ebs and that's what was getting the 4x.

  18. Multiple rests and 5 year experience, you must be such a great KaWer. Do you have the defender badge yet? I mean you like to call people out....
  19. Nah son, I don't defend. I just take it all over.

    Edit: This topic is also unrelated to the op, and I rather not derail a topic like this.