Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheVoiceInYourHead, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. I have never seen so many whining little jerks in all my life. Devs dont do anything and you whine, Devs come out with something new and you whine. They give you free items and xtals and you whine. Why cant you look through your items or read forums before you start crying and yelling at devs. So sick of all the whining just play the game and shut up. Offer positive feedback/criticism or keep your mouth shut.
  2. People whine and you whine then I whine.
    que sera sera
  3. In my art class there is a sign that says if u whine there is a 5 dollar fine
  4. Ur whining about ppl but Op is right lots of crybabys anymore