I have never seen so many whining little jerks in all my life. Devs dont do anything and you whine, Devs come out with something new and you whine. They give you free items and xtals and you whine. Why cant you look through your items or read forums before you start crying and yelling at devs. So sick of all the whining just play the game and shut up. Offer positive feedback/criticism or keep your mouth shut.
Just realized if your reading and commenting then you are one of the few that actualy look for info and not just whine in WC, so i appreciate your comments and feedback. Even the "whining about whining" comment. At least he is reading forums.
I hope that was your "last thought" not sure the kaw world is ready for such intellegent and well thought out statements.
Stop being a noob. The op is speaking his opinion so let him do so without you being such an idiot please.
He's not whining about the devs he's whining about the players. The devs do a lot of work on this game and heaps of people complain, not that it's ever gonna stop its just annoying as hell to see
It is a bit shabby; the lack of gratitude for the devs is appauling, such is life. I appreciate the work they do to make the money I have spent seem worthwhile. Thanks for the updates.
This game does have a lot of whiners, but that's common knowledge. The only reason they do it because the devs always give in. Blame the devs not the players.