Discussion in 'Wars' started by *wali_2255 (01), Oct 27, 2012.

  1. I have been playing this game for two years now my old account was wae36 now disabled by Facebook....long story. Two years ago we didn't have stupid EBs just loads of Pwars and system wars. Back then if you were getting farmed you would have taken it like a man and there clan would back them up! Now a days people just cry, not because you are a noob because you are a wimp!! There is nothing wrong with crying....i love it when people cry when i farm them, but i also love getting hit back ! Everyone in the game now just cares about growing and stats !! ITS A WAR GAME !! If u get farmed take it like a man not a stupid wimp !! Its just gold !! I love it when i get farmed my own clan farms me so if any of you guys looking for a perm farm I'm open !!
  2. Are you serious? 
  3. Again...?
  4. Same old story...
    Broken record ... Eb noobs are wimps ... Everyone should war more .... Blah blah ... What's this thread going to do about it. Nothing.
  5. 2 years ago, pwars? Check your history you bagpipe turd.
  6. wali! U can't say 'all', I did hit u back, remember?
  7. i'm sorry, op. i will try to be more manly and cool.
  8. I love farmers 
  9.  OP- you're the noob here. You can't just start acting like some badass veteren when you lived though PWars. Don't speak of hitting back and warring how it should be if you weren't around before PWars, the introduction of the war system was the real downfall of KaW back then. The war system, along with a little cleaver thinking, lead to the era of PWars and the massive decrease in real war. Before the war system was whem war and fighting was at it's peak. When war was war, not the corrdinated distribution of free wealth provided by minimal effort on fast demand. No, **** PWars an **** the time you joined the game, you're ignorant to a war filled daily life style of playing.
  10.  I can do whatever i want !! Lmao! 
  11. I was not around for pre pwar or pwar. Does that make me also ignorant to a war filled daily life of KaW, as you call it?
  12. Just hit him its fun even if ya lose :D
  13. I don't want this game to be filled with wars !! I just want people to stop being WIMPS!!!
  14. But the "wimps" are so fun :(
  15. Alison, was my comment directed at you? I was adressing the OP specificaly. He obviously lacks the war experience that others have such as you and I. I'm not saying he doesn't have any war experience, I'm saying he hasn't had the high-octaine ass kickings we have.
  16. Wali - Wimps? Really? So when you started the game and was learning how to play it, did you jump headlong into war and stand up to every single person who threatened you? I you want to rid the "wimps" from this game, teach new people how to play with a basic training of war instead of a direct introduction into the EB warrior life style. The only way you can change the future is to change the young.
  17. Well u can change the older, TEACH ME METAL