Still not gotten my drop

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XiiiXixxzI-BaTMaN-XxiiiiiZiX, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Just got In my newsfeed saying I've been compensated 3 inf but didnt get them. Any1 else with same problem ??
  2. Just got another newfeed message same one again and just got my drop lol
  3. Just wait! Patience! That or try resetting app!:)
  4. All good like I said I've got it now
  5. This is why you wait.
  6. Reset the app, restart the phone. If nothing works email with your username game and issue. Provide SS if possible.
  7. Does this sometimes,just wait a few minutes,usually fixes itself over time.
  8. I emailed the devs 3
  9. Just noticed my message got cut off. 3 and a half hours ago. They're in the process of fixing it to any whom have been affected.