Hello, impossiblyhardtodefeat here! I am a two year veteran of Kingdoms at War. I'm going to give you a step by step guide on how to become a hansel. What is a Hansel? A hansel is an almost pure spy build with 1-2 attack buildings. They are great for finishing epic battles and fighting in wars!! When a hansel is inactive in a war, it can have costly gold leakage, so make sure to have clan members pin you. Step by Step Directions: 1. Get a volley to 1.9 bil and explore the first 9 lands. 2. Build level 3 forges and one guild on your first 9 lands. Spend the rest of your gold on allies until you reach max plunder. 3. Explore land until land 21. Make all those lands level 3 forges. 4. Convert all but 1 land to level 4 guilds. Do this until you reach land 31. Make sure to upgrade your castle at land 25 and stay at max plunder the whole entire time. 5. At land 31 start converting your level 4 guilds to strongholds of shadow. Do this until HLBC. Once you reach HLBC convert 1 or 2 strongholds of shadow to tier 4 attack buildings. There you have it! Hope you liked my guide. The first guide was an accidental submit button push, sorry about that.
This is a bad guide........lacks details, doesn't keep the readers attention, and inaccurate information, good try though
you can do it fast with this way support but i like buying red pot with my first money use those pot to spam on forgotten one