steal bonus achievement

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Midget-Lover____, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. So I was looking thru achievements and noticed I was close to the steal achievement of 27,500 steals. I decided to try and finish off for the extra 2% bonus. I completed yesterday. I took a ss of bonus and stats before and after. Once I achieved level I noticed the spy defense bonus percentage increased from 31% to 33% but the bonus number above stated the same.

    Can anyone tell me how the 2% bonus for achieving is applied?

    Thx midget️
  2. They are two separate things.

    The bonus number is from ONLY things that offer a Bonus stat increase in actual static number values

    The bonus percentage is from ONLY thing that offer a bonus percentage increase
  3. Ok so where are the bonus % numbers shown in regards to values?
  4. I realize I'm an idiot but I don't get it. If the percentages don't effect the bonus number above. How are the bonus applied to the spy defense?
  5. They are in comparison to your relative troop strength (available on your profile to view). You take your troop strength (the first value) or spy strength (again, first value) and you multiply it by your % ( in your case, .33) and that will be your relative bonus gained at that specific troop strength.

    I hope I helped, the question was kinda confusing.
  6. It depends on your actual spy stats from buildings and how many spies you have left. Just as regular power decreases as you unload, so does % bonuses
  7. Sorry for the confusing ? Lol. I was just trying to figure out if the percentage showed a realized value in the bonuses section or anywhere that it actually translated into the numbers. Or if it was simply applied like u said to the troop values. I was basically trying to figure out how much the 2% translated into actual bonus numbers?
  8. Ty Ray I think I get it.
  9. Congrats Midge 
  10. congrats midge, and also.... lol silly noob. we all have moments I suppose. good to see you in the forums bro.
  11. the bonus % is dynamic depending on spy levels. Though the dynamic bonus to your static sdt is of course then static, and always will be. so there is give and take with dynamic and static equipment just like the bonuses for achievement. thenumber above should be from your bfe and flag bonus. I think that's right. when in doubt keep the thread going and see if a better answer comes about.(if this post doesn't make sense I blame auto correct) happy kawing
  12. Thx driver️
  13. Right.. Just remember that all % bonuses apply directly to your current army levels. You can see them on your profile page under "Your Stats".
  14. %bonuses do not decrease. They are the base number
  15. No they are not. They decrease if your troop strength decreases. This means that throughout your unload, the bonus will get smaller and smaller.
  16. Test for yourself. They do not change... I did a skim on eb. Percents do not change I still have 37.5m bonus
  17. :roll: You're not testing it, you're just looking at the number it says it applies. Which that number is only true at full troops.
  18. Joberhi