Hello everybody. So lately I have been trying to grow stronger and stronger,however; I keep failing horribly in figure of death. I am currently hunting the abyssal sword and the feather thing (sorry don't know name*) What items should I get after this and if I shouldn't what eb is suggested for me otherwise? All suggestions appreciated -Thank you for your time -
Buy a lot of allies with good stats first so you can hit fod with less troop loss. That, or you can use pots to get more hits in, but you lose money that wat.
*way Another thing to do could be to go for the ring. It really helps spies to hit. I have no troop loss on all ebs except ss, i think, and my spy stats are terrible
You don't need high spies to hit EBs. I am not even 500k spy attack and I can unload a full bar on all T7 EBs without failing.
You also have equips corsiva. I was saying to get the ring because all he has is the helmet for spies.
I never fail or lose extra troops on assassinations on fod. And down to about 60% spies on spies before extra losses on TGL
@Professinal The armor from CoR was the first piece of equipment I got. I can hit it without any equipment or pots.