Stat Requirements

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _xXx_THIBS_xXx_, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. In my opinion they should have a stat requirement to be able to post in forums. Maybe like a mill or more combined. Maybe that would help clean up the forums from having so much noob and random junk. What do y'all think???
  2. Why? How much stats do you get when lowland lc?

    Still you can't ask a question?
  3. No. What if you LC reset? What if you just begin and need help? That is a horrible idea. And, it would make people pwar so they can grow to the stats.
  4. Agreed on the getting help part.
  5. All most clans do anyway is pw and eb.
  6. Of course I guess everyone should be able to give an opinion on topics. Plus some are kind of funny at times.
    But it would also keep other people from coming here to spam KAW and tell people KAW sux.
    Has it's pros and cons.
  7. No it has it's PRO and CONSSSSS
  8. To be honest, some of the dumbest things I've seen in the forums have come from high stat players
  9. No, lots of people who aren't noobs would not be able to post (like me :p )
  10. Lol Lion, heck some of the mods wouldn't be able to post too some are pretty low stats lol
  11. I'm not too worried. Most spam dies swiftly anyway......
  12. Oh hell no. :shock:
    Look at my stats
  13. No. Stats are not representative of forum worthiness.
  14. I don't agree. Forums are for asking questions. What would I do if I couldn't ask people any gameplay questions? Quit, most likely. Mods I'm sure are doing their best to keep forums mature.
  15. most of the popular forumers dont have a mil comb. stats and some reset...
  16. I like this idea!!!

    Oh wait , no I don't...

    Maybe we should just have a group of devs that drive to users houses who are on forums, then they roll them for like 5 minutes, that way they're initiated and only those who are down would post...
  17. Stats no because then will have the pw noobs coming in
  18. Stats don't describe noobs. There could be NEWBS who need help at a early stage, but even some really strong players are noobs
  19. Maybe they could charge gold for people to make threads like 150 mil or even more idk just an idea