Starting Out

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -Scott-, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Just a quick question from me to the more experienced players or those with alts. How hard is it for a new player these days to catch up? With so many new lands, 400mil cs now a thing... Do new players really have a chance of catching up? Or is the hill they need to climb simply too steep and high, that they may as well not even bother?
  2. By catching up, if you mean top of the rankings? You can forget it unless you have literally tens of thousands of RL money to spend.

    However, it can still be fun, it's easier than every to grow to around 100m cs (and you can do it for free)

    The main thing is to find a good clan, and stay social :)
  3. Maybe not bypassing in world chat would be a start. ;)
  4. What used to be possible in a matter of months (build complete) is now impossible without paying. The release of lands has been happening so quickly that only spenders can keep up.

    So no, it is no longer possible to "catch up".
  6. Hehe yeah maybe :p
  7. Right okay then. That's what I thought looking at the number of new lands that have been released whilst I was gone. Seems like quite an intimidating prospect for a new player looking to catch up with the rest of other players (most of whom have probably at least unlocked access to the Abyss lands).

    Nonetheless I do hear things have been made easier with all the new events etc. I look forward to trying these out!

    Thank you guys for the responses.
  8. They keep moving the goal posts. They key is to stop chasing game completion and focus on other parts of the game you enjoy.
  9. Honestly. Unless you want to spend a lot of money, you will never come close to being game complete if you are new or not withon arms length of it right now.

    Try pvp or ee. Chasing Build Complete is an impossible mission for those not willing to dump litterly thousands of dollars/euro's on this game.
  10. *Starts singing* Money money money money

  11. Or you could try and be forum famous...

    lyfsux T_T

    WHY CANT I BE BUILD COMPLETE, MOM!!!!!?????????????!???!?;??;?;;?;?;?;?;;;?
  12. Being forum famous would probably be much more fun than growing.

    I'll let you know if I ever get famous :(
  13. Or just pretend you're famous like I do. I was friends with some of the actually famous ones so I just pretend I fit in.
  14. I wanna be forum famous 
  15. Kaw is like any other app spend lol. Or if you have time create like 50 alts each to their own.
  16. Wouldn't it be better to use that time to get a job and then use the money to pay to win? Seems less depressing than running 50 accounts.
  17. If you're spending your hard earned on KaW so you can get some srs virtual gold...

    I think somethin might be wrong.
  18. Obviously only be hitting when an event is on and when at home after work  imagine playing 50 alts at work anyway getting 1 tril on each account is easy every event you'd only need 1k items on each. I'm not sure if this would count as an excessive number of accounts lol but whatever its worth a go.

    I had like 30 farms on gow alts on here are the same thing create a load and feed your main.
  19. Some are more into being infamous.
    I'd like to get bc up to abyss. If I could just stay only one set of lands behind..