First let's talk about setups the most effective one is the forge one. The forge setup is easy have a total of 9 lands including your castle and build forges on them. Some would say how do I get the money. Well here's how you get it first finish tutorial then click on the little bubble around the BOTTOM RIGHT. Make sure your in world chat then say: hi I'm a new player and have no money please hire me so I give better stats to my owner. Another way is through ebs also known as epic battles find a clan doing the epic battle warbeast back to back as they say it in world chat b2b warbeast. That should get you started if you need advanced setups I'll be posting one on that soon. I hope this Starting KaW guide help!
Ya I never said it was did I? O nvm I under stand hi check my new one on more advanced setups it has a guild in it
Don't you love when noobs- post crappy threads, which have been posted by veteran players, to teach other noobs how to be "newbs"