Starters guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Ohai my name is dr pnemonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis (an actual word) and I'm going to show you how to start on kaw (the easy way to grow is what I'm trying to say) :p
    First you log in :p (duh)
    Second you say on world chat:volley pls just started/reset/imma alt/pie iz good
    Third you just wait for a few minutes then you buy land until you have nine
    Fourth you build a building called a "forge" and build on seven lands and upgrade as soon as possible, also make sure to have atleast one guild also join a clan who does easy epic battles(just look for a random one in world chat)
    Fifth you get money:keep building forges and buying land until your next land costs 100000000 (100mil) then when you have the money instead of buying the land buy an ally at that price, keep buying allies that cost 100000000(100mil) and when you have ten 100mil allies,stop
    Sixth, ok good now with max plunder bonus attack in epic battles that are easy you should make money ALOT faster,keep making money and upgrading and ALWAYS keep building. Forges, NEVER convert a level 3 forge to a level 1 t3 building(subterranean factory,war aviary,and summoning circle)
    Seventh save up for items(pots) buy atleast 5 of each big defense items and spy defense items and 500-1000 small defense and spy defense items
    Eighth ok keep upgrading and buy allies that cost 100 mil regularly,when you have good plunder make about 8 mill per hit in epic battles(ebs)save up for a big ally (5 billion) that's right BILLION now your handling more money than usual, when you buy your ally, you won't have to worry about allies for a while unless your ally gets hired away then just get a new one with all your money
    Ninth keep upgrading with NOTHING BUT FORGES don't buy t3 just yet, when you have 25 lands( preferably you have 4 guilds level4 and 20 forges level 3) now you are DONE with this guide, YAY now start converting to t4 or t3 depending on your plunder :p

  2. Cool name…
  3. Op, see that comet?
    Let's play dodgeball!
  4. Did i really post "cool name" WTF i dont even remember haha lol
  5. Oh i remember now. I didnt mean fluffles i meant the retarted thing in the post.
  6. @op: I could think of a better guide right now
  7. your supposed to save up 480m to convert a forge to a sub factory. lvl3 forge>lvl1sub
    lvl2sub>>>>>lvl 3forge
  8. Now's wheres the part about farming?
  9. and for max plunder your allies have to be worth triple the cost of your next land
  10. @jaydz: agreed. farming guide needed
  11. and when you need money AND want to piss people off, farming is the way to go. try to pick someone about 1/2 defense as your attack and unload about 1/3 of your troops against them.
  12. Only 1/3? The more hits the better
  13. but if you just want money quick, DO NOT BUILD FORGES. defensive buildings give more plunder(but defensive towers reduce plunder)
  14. well it's better for 1/3 cuz then you have a less chance of failing
  15. then you rinse and repeat (same person ofcourse)
  16. I guess it's different when your a hansel though I just unload all my spies and if I fail I go self pin on someone
  17. well yeah if your a hansel then just unload
  18. @jaydz farmin isn't part of this game rly unless u got a huge farmer on u
  19. Btw I threw this TERRIBLE guide together in a few minutes last night bc I was bored 