Starter Clans - KaW admin please read!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -BenDover-, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Hi all,

    This idea has been put through before, a lot. But I don't know if the devs have seen in and as they are browsing forums more I'd like to put it up again.

    As you know many new players quit before they actually start because the tutorial doesn't help that much.
    We could change this.

    Their are two simple options to change this:
    Have a few major starter clans which are owned by no one and constantly run easy epics, in these clans there would be some volunteers to help people understand the game and help finish the epics so the newbs can get more money. After the tutorial the new players would be directed to one of these clans and they could start from there. Members would be automatically accepted.

    The second option is virtually the same but it would have KaW owners and admins and a more player based clan rather than computer operated.

    That's my two cents, please agree/disagree and discuss on this thread, if you see this kaw_admin please comment!

    Thanks and sorry for repeating the idea!

  2. I like the second idea, maybe 10 starter clans ran by volunteers, maybe VKs and mods are expected to have ran or run do run one so the devs know it's people they can trust?
  3. You mean...I might have to do something?? :(
  4. You could do something or devs could just make 100s more VK and mods ;)
  5. Support, this is actually a very good idea! The tutorial shows **** all lmao
  6. hmmm like the idea bro 
  7. I hate the tutorial. I wish there was a skip button.
  8. Very good idea mate they should put that idea forward
  10. Full Support 
  11. Support put this thread in the ideas page please‼️‼️‼️‼️
  12. Oh lol forgot about the ideas page, will do! Thanks for all the support :)
  13. Good to see you like it!
    Is there any chance this idea will be implemented?

    Thanks for going through forums more! We can have some good ideas :p
  14. Support!!!
  15. I still support this!
    Sure would have helped back when I was a newb.
  16. It's hard getting players hooked until they have 25 lands and start actually building and earning decent money.
  17. Nah it's not that hard to get them hooked. It's all in how you keep them motivated and inspired to grow on their own.
  18. I was lucky to find a awesome starter clan filled with awesome people my stats as well but sadly it faded into the depths of the kaw and died :(