Im confused and need advice Okay so i have half my highlands uncovered all filled with tier4 buildings. Should i continue to unlock my lands and build tier4, or start tearing down buildings one by one and replacing them with tier5 buildings. I think i should replace them with t5's that way i start earning money faster to unlock the lands... anyone been in my situation and can give some personal experience advice?
id guesstamate that you should go t5 when your lands start to cost over 170bil, because thats the totalish for 1 t5. this is all guessing, i have no t5s, but it does make sense.
My opinion, for what it's worth, don't build T4 on HL at all. Once your next land is more expensive than a full T4 building, then convert all LL to T4. Once your LL is BC, continue exploring HL til your lands are more than a T5 L1, then convert all HL buildings to T5 L1. Then explore lands til next land is more than a T5 L2, then upgrade all L1's to L2, and so on. Basically do the next cheapest thing. T5 L1 gives more stats and plunder than T4 L3 (though admittedly not by much) so all those "cheaper" moves add up to help you more easily afford the more expensive stuff later.
i like AK's post. Personally, I did ll in t4 then converted to T5 as I don't grow quickly and wanted the stats.
Nothing but skill I am am in the exact same boat almost bro. Except I already built a lot of T4 on the highlands. This land bothers me not seeing it purchased thou I'm on the 40 bill land I wanna finish upgrading what Igot to T4 cuz its quicker n cheaper than buy land to 100 bill probably I wanna look good. Rhino that is epic advice bro perfect answer.
Dafuq cuda I use to open in wc bac in the day a lot bro. I really appreciate u helping me grow back than.
U opened in wc all the time back than it seems like I always got through n everyone else could never hit u lol. I appreciate it a lot that u opened all the time.
I'm ignoring T5's, they are dead to me :shock: I'm all T4's and at 37 lands. Just finished converting all from guilds. That may have been the wrong choice, but I wanted quick T4 stats jump so can do some damage against bigger hitters. Think I'll explore and max guild my way to 50 from here on. Then decide on the remaining covert. Is that silly? :?
i would suggest t5 convert if the next land cost is more then 120 bill. if its lower (seeing as you said you're only half hl complete ) i would swap your t4's to lvl1 t5 , its better all around promise.