spy quests?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Noodle, May 4, 2015.

  1. Sorry for low effort but I was wondering what people think about creating a kind of "sub-quest" section that would use spy units only. Comment support, ideas, etc.
  2. Every few weeks this comes up in forums, and every few weeks I give my support. But i know nothing will come of me giving my support. :(
  3. Sorry but it is a low effort thread. Been there done that aint gana happen,
  4. This has been going on for years and the devs won't budge on it. Why would they want to increase the chances of you getting free nobs and xstals. I support the idea of quests for your spies but devs are just money hungry sadly.
  5. The devs also said there would be no spy banners. We see how that went. Be optimistic :)
  6. I made a thread about this once. No idea why they haven't introduced this yet. It's been a reoccurring thread for years.
  7. Low effort thread, but it's beyond 5 years unaddressed.

    It's about time to address it.
  8. Instead of spy quests consider this. A place where similar sized kingdoms are displayed to you where you can attack or steal them. In this case steal as its for spies.

    I call it the battle list.

  9. Much original such spy many steal wow
  10. Tim_the_supernatural_duck
  11. Genius idea someone give this guy a medal for such a genius and original idea :^)
  12. Only a fool or a child keeps asking the same question expecting a different answer
  13. Support! :D
  14. This is probably the best spy quest I've ever seen before
  15. Invalid user
  16. It's not Tim it's Wim


    I actually had him on my wall a awhile ago complaining when me and Chubby Chaser had a contest to see who would fail first. I lost.. Or won depending on your perspective. Their are a few people like that.
  17. And has been since the beginning of KAW lol
  18. Thanks larry. Never thought I'd say that lol. Guessing he's a big oaf. Will take a peak for future reference 