I was thinking about this the other day and I think it would be a good idea to have them. For eb that only require attacking you can do spy quests so you don't have full spies. The plunder will be less than normal quests but like maybe they have a batter chance of drop.
The desire for spy quest is basically a desire to get more free xstals. The way the game is set up now quest serve no real purpose ( other than nob farms and the initial xstal drops) and adding any more of any type would be pointless
Hahaha if we had spy quests I would be 10x the size I am now. But seriously, this has been suggested multiple times.
Altitude said it best, use the battle list, I know that place can be scary and all with the prospect of someone hitting back (in a war game? God forbid!) but finding a decent person to hit can gain you quite a bit of plunder.
Maybe instead of spy quests being a different thing they just put the option to use spies or troops. This has probably been suggested.
quests are entirely out of date. they have not been updated since before i started kaw. the income is irrelevant. the only reason to still do them is for the xtals. and that isn't any real challenge anymore thanks to mith and equipments. i wonder if the devs still remember that they are there.