Spy Building Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Spectre, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Hey there KaW!! Trying to go spy and wondering if I should either upgrade one of my level three spy buildings or use the money to build the rest of my spy buildings for I still have alot of my attack buildings. Thanks in advance.
  2. idk lol ... first i builded 1lvl 3 then the next one. then i LCed and then upgraded to lvl 4
  3. I did 1 lvl 4 at a time
  4. u should go hansel in which case its best 2 replace ur buildings with lv 3 guilds first
  5. 

    told ya 
  7. I would build a lvl 4 then wait til I have another bil before selling another attack building. then build to lvl 4 guild again and repeat. That's how I did it on my iPod acc. (this one is iPhone)