Spy Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Croluxian, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. i just reseted my acc ( previously crolux) cuz i wanted to change to a spy build
    I lost most of my money cuz of it in my last one and there was no point in continuin
    Can u guys give me any tips on how to thrive in this build
  2. Build guilds and defensive towers
  3. kool i no tht part but like do i upgrade the guilds and towers to lvl3 before buildin a new 1 or wot
  4. Spam lvl1 guils then upgrade them to lvl2 (5-10 guilds). After that build 1-2 def towers upgrade them to lvl2 Then u should upgrade some guilds too lvl3. [...]
  5. ty eladrion
  6. Build up on guilds first (about 9) then maybe a barracks (1 but raise to 3rd tier) then upgrade guilds. Maybe add some towers
  7. Destroy all your guilds. Build lv3 foundries. Get 35mil and build t3 def tower. Repeat x2 (3 towers at least). Save up 75mil and start tearing down foundries and replacing them with lv3 guilds.

    You'll make a lot more attacking than spying early on. Build up money and then switch.
  8. I have just torn down level 2 foundaries. 8 of them and replaced with guilds. Was getting over100k per attack now only around25k per steal. PANTS!
  9. Tequila you don't get plunder bonus with spies and FYI you get a lot better payout with L3s
  10. My thought get 979 mil (at least) and demolish 1 attack building build guide to lvl 4. (that only works if u r smart enough to NOT start with an osf build). Get 20 lands (at least) first before following these steps also if u buy an ally when osf make sure that they either have 0/0/0/0 stats or are an osf also