Spy build help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _nick_, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Hey guys! Quick question, when should I go about switching all of my lvl 3 guilds to SoS? My mainland is all lvl 3 guilds and one titans lair, I have not explored my first land of highlands yet.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Yes. Convert Guilds to SoS, then out up vols in HL. Don't let attack builds try and tell you ****.
  3. If you wanna start warring, convert 10 LL guilds to spy towers
  4. All depends on what your goal is. Convert of you want to begin boosting your stats. But if you want to get HLBC with the fewest amount of taps of that "repeat" button, then continue building guilds in the highlands and stay at tier 3 in the lowlands.

    Just one unicorn's opinion