spy and hansel builds taking over estoc wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX__GENERALGAZZA__Xx, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Now so many spy builds n hansels in clans that enter wars that attk builds cant self ko except by using sct or assas but if no one has troops to hit how can you self KO with troops? You get knocked out more by being attk build. Its becoming a spy war game again.
  2. I would tell you..but that should be left up to your WC..anyways if your whole clan is having this problem I hope we meet in war ;)
  3. The devs have said they're aiming to reduce the power of GHs. Maybe that update will come out soon.

    If you want to defend against and stop hansels individually now, just put up a load of spy towers.
  4. Just build more towers, keep the spies out.
  5. i'll bet every war whiner that complains about spy builds is attack.
    buy SDT's you grunts or go cry to mommy or go back to being EB Faeries your choice pick one.
  6. Dance party!
  7. actually the wars are setup for attack builds, all attack builds have todo is scout bomb spys.
  8. I love vs'ing hansels. Hello bil in plunder right off the bat
  9. Silver hawk with the 2k losses.... Talk about EB fairies :lol:
  10. Definitely not. Sure, I have my fair share of KO's, but attack build do get the best of me also,
  11. When I was attack build plunder was great in ee wars! Just put some towers up and your fine
  12. Op ,
    The more you war the more you learn to use your build. As an attack build I get about a 75% sko rate. True sometimes I get left with troops left and get ko. All part of the game. Build towes to limit the ability of hansels to. Ass your troops. A good war clan needs all builds used in a tactical way.

    Hope that helps

  13. Towers help and so does coordination your clan should be calling the opens for you you hit them and try to sko there
  14. Well you know if you cant be 'em then join 'em bud. Nuff said