Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI-Il-Il-DaDragster-Il-Il-IlI, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. I have no idea if this is a troll eb for April fools or whatnot. But I'm just curious on how it goes and stuff. Post info here
  2. I thought you were better than this Warry
  3. That's so awesome! 
  4. I'm laughing at the new EB. Not this spam.
  5. lol, what the hell is that eb? hopefully it wont demo a random building if you hit it
  6. prepare to surrender
  7. well this clearly is only for today being april fools, lets try it!!
  8. Pays good feathers.... We always knew SPRAGGA was a bird -.-
  10. The noob on my wall hired my 71b bomb this morning, I was on so she didn't even hit me. I reset it on her and now its up to 113b :) its funny how she thinks she's doing something. Check it out!
  11. Very curious bout new eb, love to know more bout it, plz post info if you've done it
  12. April fools joke by the devs you lose even when u win
  13. Early reports are it stays in god mode the whole time, unbeatable eb?
  14. It's simply invincible
  15. U use miths to hit