Spirit of War: Merry Mischief (Feedback)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Developers,

    The Spirit of War: Merry Mischief event was good. It was interesting that when I first read the event post I was like:

    But as the days progressed the drops did not really seem to be increasing. We understand that the price was 10$ and lots of players complained because of that. We understand that you have to pay bills, etc.

    Then there is that post:
    So you know then I was like:

    Now, there were some 1000% increases here and there, but were there more than at the least 100 banners dropped?

    This event was good to an extent, but there could have been some improvements:
    - Removing the pudding and beards from the stockings
    - Adding some more rarity to the Spirit Plunder Sack

    Looking forward to event like this in the near future. Why you ask?
    The new feature to be able to buy these Plunder sacks to help your whole clan is great.

    [title2]That is not all[/title2]

    Developers, do not know if this will be fixed but is this event finishing on Monday or on Tuesday PST. As you see this event started 1 day later then originally expected. It says that this event would last from December 22, 2014 until January 5, 2014. This event officially started on December 23, 2014. Yeah it is a day. Some might not care, but what about us who need that Banner from a stocking. This day could be important. You know, we need that glimmer of a chance. We need that believe that when we wake up and open a stocking that a banner will be there.

    In the tag it would read: Happy Holidays from your Kingdoms at War Developers and Staff.

    This was some feedback regarding Spirit of War: Merry Mischief (Feedback).
  2. It was... Bleh.
  3. There were banners? 
  4. Here is a link to the banner guide:

    The Official Banner Guide

  5. How was this event, bleh?
  6. An event is an event n usually brings out the whiners. Take da freebies n be happy.
    Nothin special..same old same old
  7. The clan side of the event was good however there was little more to the event than waiting 24 hours to open a sack.
  8. You could of won banners?
  9. Yes.
  10. Shut up it was free stuff don't complain
  11. The events do bring out the whiners, but then there is the difference between feedback and whiners.

    These whom "whine" are complaining about the prices.

    These whom give "feedback" give information and what they thought of the event. Where there could be improvements. Where there could be new additions.

    This event was not same old. same old. We have seen the developers try different events in Kingdoms at War. We have seen a Psion event which was really good. We have had developers try the Qutzal feather hunt which was one of the best events in Kingdoms at War. In 2nd being the Ice Moth hunt.

    In all, the people will always complain about prices. Then there will be those whom give feedback about the event.
  12. Im gonna stop you there. The PVP event was the best event, second to this one. Every other event was force feeding HTE. And do you even REMEMBER the moth hunt?! Nml made 90% of KaW want to falcon punch someone everytime they saw a rock bc of NML. The moth event was probably the WORST event.

    Plus the feather event? Are you serious? That was B2B and Ulfberht setting up 5 clans to constantly switch between in "jumps" to get the most feathers.

    Please, unless you put aside ignorance, refrain from posting.

  13. Look we all have different point of views. Some enjoyed the PvP event and others did not. I will not judge you in your choices.

    I could say that Season 4 was the best event and I want more like them. - That is just an opinion. Providing some aspect were it could have been improved would be feedback.

    Now when it comes to the Moth Hunt apparently players seem to liked it. When going through those comments posted for the event. The feather hunt was good, for the reason that it had different tiers. Players had a chance at more equipment regarding on activity and forum hunting for feathers. There were even Epic Battles made for that event.

    If players clan jumped to be on Top 100 leader board. That was there decision. Take events as they are fun and joyful most of the time. (If you decide to take an event way too serious where you decide to clan jump for the best equipment. That is your decision. Not ours.)
  14. And who is "ours"?

    Youre representing who? Bc who Im voicing is obvious.
  15. And Moths were the worst event. You couldnt find a single eb besides HTE and NML some days I promise you that
  16. All i got in my free stocking was pots ooo boy devs are just milking kaw thats all they are doing notice kaw_community has yet to respond about all the issues on the other thread about the event
  17. I want a new banner 

  18. Haunting: The Escape will drop more items of course. The consumer is paying a certain amount of money for that Epic Battle. If the developers wanted they could have made the higher the tier the more item drops there would be. Then there would be those with high stats whom can hit high tier Epic Battles benefiting. The ones with low stats whom cannot hit the epic battle would not really benefit.

    With HTE think of it as a balance. Any stat player can hit Haunting: The Escape. Although you are paying a price to complete that Epic Battle.

    There could be high tier epic battles dropping items. That could be an option. It would be nice, but HTE will always drop more items and it is obvious.