spells and mithril

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by tracklife, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. I was thinking about the whole mithril spell system and thought that it was kinda boring. I think the way that one earns mithril is perfectly fine the way it is. However, I wish that there was more variety with the types of spells one can cast. I think all the spells that they currently have are decent, but I think there could be much more and it could add a lot to war strategy. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
  2. Examples...? This thread is minimal effort...and mith has plenty of diversity, with LOTS of improvement room for spells.
  3. Sorry it's my 1st thread. But there could be many possibilities. Maybe spells that would increase the attack/defense and spy attack/defense for an entire clan? It would be expensive obviously
  4. Or a spell that allows you to see who successfully scouted/stole/assassinated from you. Just a couple ideas
  5. ^ Because I am a hansel, I disapprove this idea.....
  6. Possibly a spell that allows for more land to be explored? Let me know what you think and post your ideas
  7. GKing: maybe also have a spell that nullifies that spell? So you wouldn't be completely vulnerable to it.
  8. Reserved
  9. I also feel like adding more spells would increase the relevance of mithril because most people wouldn't be able to cast every spell, essentially canceling each other out
  10. Idk, that just seems to make everything complicated.....
  11. True but right now there's almost no point to the spells
  12. Not true, they can be very helpful in wars.
  13. Except that everyone uses the same spells so the effects are next to nothing
  14. Not everyone uses mith.....
  15. I guess. I just think some variety would be nice
  16. I like some of the ideas for spells that have been brought up in the past and I'm sure eventually the devs will take spells into one of there updates! (I hope)

    But op as far as this thread, it would have been better if you would have gave more to the forums by adding some examples of spell you would like to see implemented!

  17. I'll like a spell that if you hit an eb youll get way more under!!!
  18. Or a spell that can make your tropp come faster reload like every 2.5 or 1.0 minutes
  19. Last of all a spell that lets you see someone troops and how many they have left. It can come in handy while in wars when u have little to few troops