spell to keep my EE spell when clan jumping

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JOSIAH, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. I'd like for devs to introduce a spell we all can purchase at a reasonable cost of GOLD NOT MITH so it's accessible to all size of gamers that will allow us to clan jump and retain our EE spell without losing a level.

    Devs say EE is supposed to promote clan unity but that's not their job it's ours, if we can't keep our clan intact we shouldn't have one to begin with. Stay out of my clan business devs!!!!

    I can understand losing 1 level of spell when leaving the clan I acquired it from but when joining then leaving another clan that had nothing to do with war I should not lose my spell for that. We need to be able to go and help out our friends and allied clans in ebs
  2. Ummmmm this DOES encourage clan unity. It rewards those who are loyal to a clan, not those who just clan-hop all the time
  3. The Estoc Edge(s) are made to be granted to the most "Loyal" members in a clan. They disappear when you leave a clan because the clan gets the Estoc Edge not the individuals.
  4. too often tho clans need help to fill roster for war so why should those who come to help be punished when they want to go back home.
  5. Going to another clan for war is not being a "Loyal" member of your home clan. You call it a home clan because you belong in that guild, and will fight by their sides and not with people who needs to fill up their "Rosters".
  6. Then unite with your clan and do wars yourselves.
  7. It'd be nice to get some opinions from larger players who actually know kaw.
  8. No, It's fine as it is.
  9. The EE spell is rewarded to the clan for working together for a common goal of victory. The individual rewards is the mith. To ask for the spell to always be active is to ask the devs to make it so you can always get more plunder cuz you clan jump and have to loyalty. You want to keep the spell, stay in one spot. And to request it me purchased by gold is lame too. Name 1 spell that is purchased by gold... exactly. If there was such a spell that you are asking for, it would be mith that pays for it, and I would make it insanely expensive just so clan jumpers can't get it.
  10. No support. If you wish to leave, than You need to pay a penalty

    If you like to visit craptastic clans. You can lose your edge
  11. Such a spell would undermine part of the reason EE even exists which is to promote clan unity. This post is redundant but OP seems to think account size is in direct correlation with opinion validity.
  12. No Support.
    The proposed change clearly encourage clan hopping.
  13. The idea of offering gold to keep your edge is not painful enough

    I MIGHT supoort your idea if you must burn 250 bars of mith to keep your edge while clan hopping
  14. Here is a better thought, instead of clan hopping; have your friends with no EE VISIT YOU!
  15. Firstly just want to point out that I don't support the idea of op. paying for a spell with gold goes against the current system and nobody has gold out to purchase such a spell after they have done an Ewar.

    Spooky makes a good point about mith being individual reward and EE being for clan effort/unity.

    However there are some issues with the current system. I come from a family of clans totalling about 400 perms across five clans. These clans, like many other families are tiered based on different entry req. We have members, who are all loyal to our family, in all of these clans who like to EE with us and the current system is punishing them by having them lose a level when they return to their 'home clan'.

    In order to host Ewars we have created a new clan where our kings and perm guests, as well as outside friends, gather for war. This is actually a great way to socialise with members from other clans within the family as well as a place to meet other kaw players. Why punish us for returning to our 'home clan' when we are all trying to play together for a common cause.

    The best 2 ideas I've heard a far are a compromise.
    1. Allow players to leave clan ONCE for 'free' before starting to deduct EE levels.


    2. Each time you leave a clan, the duration of the estoc spell is halved.
  16. Zero:
    Idea number one is clever
  17. My main clan doesn't war so I have to clan hop so war so this defeats the purpose of EE only for loyal clan members if my clan will not war !!

    Be loyal to your own clan and build it up so you have enough committed people to war, if you go elsewhere to war then accpet that you will loose the edge or like other try and war 2-3 wars and then only loose 1 edge when u return home.

    Loyalty above all else and if you are going to help friends in other clans then surely the purpose is to help your friends not for you to be greedy and get upset over loosing an edge when you leave.

  19. I really wanna say support for trolls sake but I won't as this ideA is truly dumb