Speed running and the revival of old games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kezzer, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Over the last year or so there has been a huge increase in the amount of people wanting to speed run games. This has had mixed reactions as some say it's all about exploiting games flaws in order to make it faster which in turn shows a bad light on a game. Others are arguing that it is bringing old games back into the limelight for others to see.

    Personally I think it has done nothing but good for the old games as not only has it revived some old games and brought them back into the open for others to see, it has also made a way for people to compete in games that originally were meant to be a single player game.

    One of my old game favorites was "Summon Night: Swordcraft Story" and trust me it is a RPG game down to the bone. Great story, great playability and great replayability.

    I plan on doing a few practice runs of this game and if all goes well I am considering speed running it. I might even stream it.

    What do you guys think about speed running and it's effect on the gaming community?

    What game if any would you guys want to speed run?

    For those that aren't 100% sure

    A speed run is pretty simple, you complete a game in the fastest time possible.

    There are usually certain categories such as:

    Any% : Completing the game's main storyline without having to do things such as optional sidequests.

    100% : Completing everything there is to in the game including optional sidequests.

    Level speed runs : Getting the fastest time possible in a certain level.

    Glitchless/Glitches allowed : Determines whether or not you are or aren't allowed to use glitches in the game.
  2. Nooby question maybe but what is a speed run?
  3. I'd legitimately like you to show a speed run of KaW.

    Of course it'd be impossible unless you pay because growth takes daysssssssssss unless you xtal, crux and buy.

    But yeah, livestream :)
  4. A speed run is where someone plays and completes a game in a short amount of time.
  5. A speed run is pretty simple, you complete a game in the fastest time possible.

    There are usually certain categories such as:

    Any% : Completing the game's main storyline without having to do things such as optional sidequests.

    100% : Completing everything there is to in the game including optional sidequests.

    Level speed runs : Getting the fastest time possible in a certain level.

    Glitchless/Glitches allowed : Determines whether or not you are or aren't allowed to use glitches in the game.

    There are more but I won't list everything. Added to OP
  6. Ah thanks sounds fun not sure why anyone would have a problem with it lol.

    Would want to speed run the 1st baldurs gate great game.
  7. Id pay to see someone 100% speed run Skyrim
  8. The issue with skyrim is that some quests are mutually exclusive. You can do one but not the other so it would be interesting to see someone claim to do a 100% run.

    For the record a run with any% is at just under 38 minutes without loading times. That's damn fast :eek:
  9. As in all main questlines and all possible miscellaneous/side quests.
  10. So you want the impossible, because Skyrim infinitely generates quests.
  11. Yes if u could do that to a game
    Skyrim 100% Without Glitches Would Be Amazing..absolutely amazing to watch and Try
  12. Clearing every main quest, including DLC, on the hardest difficulty from the start would be interesting. With death meaning you would have to restart.
    Or, more intriguing, Twitch Plays Skyrim.