
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Username85, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. I usually never use most of my speakers. On the iDevices and I think the androids too, you get 5 speakers a day. I think it would be a great idea to be able to sell your extra un-used speakers for nobility. Maybe like 10 speakers for 1 nobility point? Thanks for reading -Username85
  2. I am not supportive of this idea. This may lead to exploiting of the system, as they just need time to gain speakers. It would create some sort of unlimited Nobility with time.
  3. Think about it. 2 days for 1 nob. 30 days = 15 nob
    3 month: 45 nob
    Stay for one year, get 180 nobs. Wow, that isnt a lot.
  4. thinking maybe 25 speakers per 1 nob. maybe a like 5 a month type of thing
  5. No support. While I do like the idea, being realistic there's no reason to implement this.

    If you could trade in 1 speaker for 1 nob, that would be easily exploited. If it was 25 speakers for 1 nob, I don't see the point in that. If you keep on improving the idea though, it could happen.️
  6. I am the alt of Username85. I see what you guys mean. It would have to be very securely implemented... It was just a rough idea to begin with. But with planning it could work out well