
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xx_Bresser_xx, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. As we all know there is a major issue on WC... this issue is Spam!!! There are certain things that are acceptable when used in moderation. This forum is about what is acceptable and what is annoying.

    Things that are acceptable within moderation
    • Sometimes, things such as "Join (insert name here) for 24/7 ebs and real wars once a week" is acceptable. but when you just say join my clan or join (insert name here) it is just annoying. If you want people to join your clan then explain what they are getting out of your clan
    • Hire/Volley Me: This is acceptable when you just started or when you just reset. but when you are like 500mil or up it is just plain annoying. Volleys when you are that high will just make you overpriced and no one will want to hire you.

    Things that are not acceptable and/or annoying
    • Who's open: This for alot of people like me is very annoying. When you ask if there are any osfs or oafs open. A lot of the times you will get replies such as 'you are' or someone will put (your name) is open
    • One letter posts on WC: For starters, that is just a waste of speakers and secondly they are just annoying.

    Well i hope this helps reduce the amount of spam on WC or helps educate you guys on what spam really is.
  2. We all know spam is and telling us what we already know won't stop it.
  3. Know what*
  4. Gee. I was a total wc moron until I read this enlightened post. (sarcasm)
  5. hey no need to troll im just trying to clarify what is acceptable and unacceptable
  6. Or you could read the ToU for all the rules
  7. You're not even saying what spam is. You're just saying what you think is and isn't annoying. Being annoying and spamming aren't the same.
  8. no because all the stuff on here is not against the ToU except for one word posts where if you do it 3 times in 5min it counts as spam thats against the ToU
  9. Or you can save yourself the trolling and shame and leave forums forever.
    Just a beneficial idea....
  10. Aren't you the one who spammed forums with "1000" threads?
  11. Right, it's just what annoys YOU. Keep these to yourself
  12. if you dont like my forum then dont post on it
  13. If you don't like us, then don't reply.
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  14. i like a good forum fight it doesnt bother me. i wrote the post you dont agree with it thats your opinion
  15. It's not called a forum. It's called a thread.
  16. A fight?
    A fight assumes their is a struggle.
  17. well thank you for the information
  18. Dip-tart

    Lol that's a funny word.

    Thread fights can be like a real war in-game. Players/clans can bring in Mercs. So -ShadowAssassin- would have A LOT of players backing him, and just because I'm a nice person, I may donate a tiny fraction of my left testicle to support you.
    Your welcome in advance.