SOwat ima newb tell me ebs for all equpiment pls

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Oblivion_-, Oct 3, 2012.

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  1. If you know how to post a thread then read the guide for this in the strategy section
  2. There is already a stickied thread with a list of full items.
  3. OP there is a great guide for that in the strategy section. It will also answer your next question of what items to use 
  4. I know the guides name. I just can't find it
  5. Try the 7th one down from the top in strategy forum
  6. Do the following epic battles:

    Reckoning - Hooves of destruction 700k attack
    Origins - Hystracidae Helmet 270k spy
    No Mans Land - Leonine arm plate 3m atk
    Destroyer - Armor of eternal fire 5% s def
    No Quarter - Nether Realm Breastplate 5m def
    City of the Dead - Ice Guardian's shield 5% def
    Figure of Death - Abyssal blade 10% atk/s atk OR Diamondiferous 5.5m atk/2.1m s atk
    Talons of Carnage - Silica Ring of silence 675k spy or Quicksilver plates 5m atk/def
    New Growth - Searing Sickle - 1.4m atk
    Scionic Storm - Torrent Talisman 5m def/675k sdef
    Sporavek's Revenge - Iron Guantlets 2m atk/1.2m satk
    The Barren Orchard - Gold plated Greaves - 12m def/sdef and Steadfast Sollerets 700k atk/1.4m def/1m sdef
    Terrain Trevails - Viridescent shield - 1m spy OR Aurete Bracer 8m spy
    Crossing the Threshold - Stalwart Helm 2m def/470k s def
    Cave of Riches - Vermeil Breastplate 2.8m def/1.8m sdef
    The Gilded Lord - Enchanted Snare ring 200k atk/def OR Crown of Virtue 1m def/3.5m def OR Electric Storm Bow 15m atk/7.5m satk

    There ya go.
  7. Señorita is to nice. It's much easier to redirect people to wulf guide in strategy section.
  8. Why? Why even bother posting facepalm. If youre not going to contribute to the thread then dont post at all.
  9. thank you Senorita and all for your answers
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