
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llTHE_llllllllNOTHING_XXXXllll, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. change my name and silence me all you want. you still gonna get stripped.
  2. You cant even hit her…
  3. Why would you be so mean? She's just doing her job, you bully!!!!

  4. and serial_killer thanks for hiring all my allies so i could bank lmao
  5. Yeah southern thats cybuhr bullehng.
  6. It's funny how everyone has been hearing about your uber-powerful "main".

    I guess it's time for you to bring it out.
  7. Good luck sport cause that main will be useless after we find u don't care how big it is. ;)

  8. you guys begged for a cf 4 months ago noob. and it will happen again.

  9. koffe all you do is surrender. dont you remember last war? or did you get hit in the head 2 hard?
  10. U can't even spell shouldn't u be in bed or something lmao anyways see u on the flip side noob don't need to waste my time here no one else does for that matter.
  11. truth hurts huh?...what s the last war koffe has won? ....yeah nobody remembers it was so long ago if ever.
  12. Let us all be calm provoking this little guy will get us no where
  13. Ok will be locking this thread, it has no reason to be on forums at all, complaining about a silence is against the rules and won't be tolerated.

    If you believe that it was a mistake please email with time of silence and the reason and also the current kaw username, the developers will review your account and take action.

    Will lock this in a few.
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