SOS Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIXIl_Lasreave_IlXIl, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Welp, Ever since the plunder for Level 4 Guilds got Merked I've noticed that the SOS's have a higher plunder bonus then the Guilds. Ive been converting my Guilds to SOSs and my plunder has been increasing.That leads me to believe the old "Conversion Plunder Loss" must be obsolete now since the Guilds now have a lower Plunder Bonus. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
  2. Yes...lvl4 guilds now make 70% of what they used to. SoSs haven't changed....just the difference is more apparent now. It used to be that SoS lvl1 made only 2% more than a lvl4 guild. And that 2% quickly got lost as you started riding that plunder curve (where your relative strength to the EB got higher with each SoS ppl would quickly start seeing a decrease).

    You will STILL hit that plunder curve, however there is now a much larger "buffer" between your SoS and the G4....if that makes any sense.
  3. I guess I kind of get it.. Instead of 2/3 SOS to go positive it'll take a lot less to get a higher plunder
  4. And now with higher teir ebs the sos makes more correct or am I off?
  5. How did you say welp instead of help

    The difference between w and h is 7 letters :(
  6. I dont think he meant to put help. Think of it was a redneck way of say well
  7. Yeah junk, And that's what I meant xD
  8. Poopcookienomics.

    Infallible maths. Splendid answerification.