I am currently recording the drop in ally plunder bonus from a guild lvl 4 to a SOS lvl 2. So far i have been seeing a consistent drop of around 33k each conversion. This way people have some idea of the change in plunder. Give me feedback if you get the same or something different
STOLEN FROM WULF'S GUIDE ON LANDS AND BUILDINGS WHEN I REPLACE MY GUILD WITH A STRONGHOLD OF SHADOWS MY PLUNDER DROPS! Again, there is no known plunder equation, and the Devs seem to want to keep it that way. But there are two main parts to the plunder equation. Your Strength relative to your target (Stronger you are compared to your opponent the less plunder you make) and the plunder your buildings earn. Guilds are very weak buildings with very high plunder value. Although SoS have a higher plunder value than Guilds their strength is SO MUCH greater than the guilds that they can actually make you loose more from the strength increase than you gain from the building plunder. Harsh. For Hansels eventually the strength change becomes less than the plunder value of the building and SoS do start to increase plunder on attacks. We have found the following to be "Roughly" true: If less than 33% of your total lands have guilds on them then converting Guilds to SoS will increase overall plunder and so will upgrading the SoS. If over 33% of your lands have Guilds on them then converting Guilds to SoS will Decrease plunder. It has been proven that BC SoS Hansels make more Plunder than BC Guild Hansels. But the conversion to SoS is a painful process for the Hansel. Some try and bank the ~900b in allies then get them hired off to convert all at once. Though some prefer the plunder loss in exchange for strength in war and PvE. However you grow your Hansel is up to you. Note: SoS are not the only building that can cause this. He have heard incidences of upgrading certain T4 causing Plunder drops. Though these are rare as T4 have very high plunder value they have been confirmed. Also Note: This is why Towers and the castle upgrade lower your plunder so drastically. They increase your overall strength but add NOTHING to the Plunder as buildings with No Troops have No Plunder Value. I mean, it makes sense right? No one to carry off the loot!