Sos or Lookout Tower?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Lady_ETA_Atercity, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. What is better Sos or Lookout tower I want to do war and eb And want to Have a big stats? What is better
  2. 1 vote for sos and 0 vote for Lookout We need 3 votes to win
  3. I mean 3 votes If 3 people vote for sos then i will Build sos but if 3 ppl vote for Lookout I will Build lookout
  4. 2 votes for sos And 0 votes for lookout
  5. Volary is too Expensive!
  6. SOS and switch it to tower when you are warring.
  7. Some SOS to towers.
  8. I agree 