SOS hansel build help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by A_RAGING_COW, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Right now I have 25SOS lvl 1 and 2 COE lvl3 and I was wondering how long shout it be before I build volaries in the highlands? and also is plunder increased when the SOS is upgraded to level 2/3?
  2. Keep them level one
  3. why don't you upgrade them?
  4. If I were you just upgrade them, what's the point of playing if you aren't going to grow?
  5. Upgrade them all then start putting level 1 volaries on HL until you unlock HF, upgrade all vols to level 2, build 4 ice trees, upgrade vols to level 3.
  6. Upgrade to level 3, get 12 hl. Put two colonies level one and the rest vol level 1
  7. Depends on if you are going to EE or just EB to be honest. If you aren't interested in EE, upgrade all those lowland SOS to level 3, then work on land + guilds until about 12 highlands. After that you can swap out to level 1 vols in highlands, then keep exploring. Once you open hoarfrost, just explore there and make lvl 1 buildings until you get about 14 hf lands before you bother upgrading any vols. You'll grow mad quickly that way.
  8. Depends on what your after.

    right now you have what people are calling a sos hansel.

    1:amazing for chaos wars.
    2: pretty good payout
    3: when people attack then tend to not make nearly as much.

    1: continue unlocking lands and placing more stronghold of shadows level 1
    2: do not place anything on hoarfrost lands except one elven temple and sell all other attack buildings.
    3: unlock all highlands and keep all stronghold of shadows at level 1

    This build tends to have 1-3 attack buildings and the remaining as spy buildings

    1: makes more money
    2: faster growth
    3: stronger spy base
    4: able to enter high cs requirement clans

    1: Put level 3 stronghold of shadows on all of the low lands.
    2: make volaries level 1 on high lands up to 15 high lands
    3: unlock 10 hoarfrost lands and place ice trees on 9 of the 10 lands
    4: with remaining land put 1 level 1 elven temple and sell any other attack buildings
    5: upgrade volaries too level 2.
    6: continue building/unlocking/upgrading. On order of what is cheapest.

    hope this helps. Put decent effort into it ;)

    Sig: the one and only beat 
  9. How about we don't encourage more people to build a gh type build? This guy asks about a hansel build and some of you want to add to this issue?

    Keep growing, that's the object of this game, do not listen to any eers who use guild hansel type builds for war.
  10. I was simply giving him any option he wants to follow. I was not suggesting any certain build.
  11. Fact is that people are going to game the match ups with gh type builds until the devs fix payouts the right way: Include BFE into the basic payout mechanism of the game. That is the only way to discourage those types of builds for EE, and even then players might go naked just to keep payouts low.

    It's like doctors that treat the symptoms instead of the cause. Next think you know everything is out of whack and you're taking meds to treat side effects of the other meds when it all could have been fixed long ago the right way.
  12. This post should have been for wc not forums
  13. Shh nohaaa i put some effort into my answer lol
  14. Im gona test something