Due to the update and the new tier of buildings do the SoS add anymore plunder than guilds do now currently? Meaning do guilds still make more money than SoS or do SoS make more plunder now?
I converted all my guilds to sos and I make about 2-3mill less. And kept the same atk buiding. So I would say sos lowers plunder.
I converted my ll SOS to guilds a few weeks ago. I lost 4m per hit in plunder and 2m on 100% assn. SOS make more in the long run.
Ok do you guys think that this last update buffed the amount of pljnder the SoS gives out? Or do you think it remains the same?
Guilds never made more than SoS, and still don't. And why would adding unrelated lands and another tier at all affect Guilds/SoSs?
SoS's make more plunder over guilds after you go past 19-20 SoS. Tbh guilds are nice but if y want good pre war items or just want to hit higher ebs the Stats from SoS's are much better. Vols beat both but are alot of gold lol.
Build a t5 and your plunder doesn't go down adding SoS till maybe the 14th one it only works with t5 l1 and sos lvl1 then save up and upgrade them all its best for ebs for SoS but for PvP I would stick with guilds and build vols because GHs are becoming a lot more underpowered