Not a hansel, but I have 11 t4 guilds, what's the best way to convert them to SOS? I'm willing to give up some plunder for the stats.
Save up like 300b, it should take you ~2 months. Or you can go one at a time (sacrifices a bit of your plunder until 2/3 of your spy builds are SoS).
You can convert them one at a time. Converting guilds to sos doesn't have the same impact on attack builds as it does on hansels. My main had 7 guilds and the entire conversion was pretty much plunder neutral for him. Note: The way the buildings effect plunder is different from eb to eb. A hansel with 2 COE and the rest guilds ally bonus is more than mine on ambush, but mine is bigger on origins. The above claim is based on his plunder from the haunting. The way plunder works in kaw is confusing at best.
On my alt I started converting as soon as I unlocked the SOS, 1 by 1 to L1 SOS until I had all 24 L1, then I started on L2 and that's where I am now, 25 L2 SOS. I didn't notice any plunder drop, if I did even have a drop as I didn't have all Guilds at L4. What I did notice was a plunder drop going from L1 to L2 SOS, as the last 2 times I upgraded I done 6 each time to L2, plunder dropped by 1mil each time, you would think plunder would go up after upgrading 12 SOS to L2, but dropped 2mil in total. I have no idea why.
No point on doing it all at once anymore. This mattered in the pwar day. Now because of eb, your assassination bonus will more than make up for the plunder loss. Anyone that tells you otherwise is simply wrong and are still thinking about the pwars days. It's true your plunder drops but only a mil or two max if you're a hansel an even less if you're attack build. Worth it because you start doing more damage per assassination, thus more of a bonus.
Completely right, I converted my alt 1 by 1 and barely noticed the plunder drop, saving up to do it at once now is just crazy.
Yup convert one by one, it is still more beneficial to do the entire building at once versus one level at a time.