Sorry to Kreuzritter

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zanther, Jun 28, 2013.

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  1. Just want to say sorry to clan Kreuzritter for the pain I brought.
    All I have stripp/farmed in this clan have 100 hits free too without getting hit back.

    It's no capitulation or not a forced sorry. It's a sorry by heart. I made a mistake fighting against them.

  2. Good apology 
  3. Seems sincere.
  4. I wanna know how much funds you had for it to have that much of an impact.Thats a big/high cs clan.
  5. Thought you quit Tej?
  6. Much respect to you Teja :)

    If you do quit, good luck in real life.
  7. Thought you had a little fisticuffs with Ajax and wabbsy or something
  8. LMAO
  9. Props to you, an lb player with the balls to make a legit apology in the forums.
  10. It was a great fight. Happy kawwing Teja 

     Ҝཞミʋʓཞi₮₮عཞ 
  11. Will you just quit already.
  12. How many we're stripped is my question..
  13. You stripped me from Uncle Sam XD

    I thought that was pretty funny. However he was awake as soon as you did it :p

    Nice apology :) would like to chat once you are unsilenced.
  14. Lmao didn't you just quit?
  15. Takes a good person with a strong heart to say sorry, so lock this .
  16. It's funny because those 100free hits will probably fail anyway because of tejas Ally bonus... Lmao
  17. Sounds so sweet. Wonder if any can hit #6 on LB? I read about 8 "I quit" and I'm farming the mods threads... How about 1-5 on LB? Sounds like a bully who had his friends get farmed maybe... 100 free fails sounds good to me
  18. Way to go Teja, its nice to see a LB player with a little compassion.
  19. Props to you, bud. It's rough sometimes to admit you went into something you shouldn't have gone into. Good apology 
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