Sorry no speakers...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _vampiress_, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. New account. Please volley me. "This belongs in world chat" Yea I know, did I mention I have 0 speakers? :|... "This is spam" Yes. I only need a volley if you kind rich folk would oblige :).Mods feel free to lock at your leisure... vampiress out~~
  2. What no hires? Is there a kaw recession? :?
  3. There's a lot of hires, noob
  4. Biglou11 watch out who you mouth off to. Sometimes small accounts belong to much MUCH bigger accounts. I think I found a new target :twisted:
  5. Huehuehuehuehue huehuehuehuehue huehuehuehuehue 
  6. ROTFL!!!! It's a game lol 
  7. It's because you cost 8bil for crap stats.
    No ****, right?
  8. Vampiress needs to calm down lol
  9. Too small for my main to farm..^ :roll:
  10. if you possibly belong to a bigger account, why doesnt said account post for volley? or self volley? or join a clan and get vollied?
  11. Yes... I don't believe OP's story. Sounds like major BS.
  12. This is my main... problem? :roll:
  13.  oh ****
  14. Yea, why not self volley?
  15. So you have a main but couldn't volley with your main? Lmao
  16. When person calls bs and the guys main is real and turns out to be huge

  17. 
  18. Kind of pointless when you're the only one hiring
  19. Lol.