I think a better question is why are the offenses still shown in WC after being silenced and still exposing the public to it? Silences are useless.
They made it stop announcing silences so that it was a little more private. I agree. I think that whatever message that was sent should be deleted if it caused that player to be silenced
:roll: You think its 'fun' when players type ignorant things on WC just to get attention. You think its 'fun' to race bait, make derogatory remarks about the way people look or feel. You think its 'fun' when people that are hurting inside and want someone to talk to are made fun of, you think its 'fun' to put women down or sexualize women on WC? I have seen all of this on WC and it is not "fun" at all, it shows the minority of KAW players are trash, eat trash, and sleep in trash.
Well the mods don't report the exact comment. They click a button and say what they did wrong so the system doesn't really have a way of knowing what the silence is about exactly. (I think)
Exactly, so they should implement a system that allows them to delete that comment. Or if someone is silenced, it should automatically delete whatever that person said in wc (or on walls) in the last like 10min
Take your self righteous privleged self somehwere else. Bullying doesn't exist on the internet get over it you can close your app. If you are so sensitive you get your feelings hurt over an app you shouldnt be on it.
Dinker donker speaks facts.There's too many wannabes on kaw who really are insecure themselves so in order to forget their own lack of qualities. They try insult others to impress the crowd to try get praised for it.Yet when they get back to reality they blur n fade away.
First and foremost I need to know, are we talking about the gang and their trash, Or like a Zoidberg type situation, I'll be honest, in the grand scheme of things, I'd rather be a Charlie Kelly in this type of situation.. Always making the best of the situation, I mean really really, who doesn't need a good shower radio in these trying times? Also, can I offer you a delicious crows egg? Moral of the story is, you take this interwebz thing far too serious and you should maybe try that new app where you "gotta catch them all" and no, it's not about children.. [micdrop][/micdrop]
The source of the original post can be found here! You can find why silences are no longer being announced in World Chat!