When will the "sell all potions" will be available for mobile users? Or new features with mith? New eb? New mods that knows the actual ToU, by example "Hey, the reason why I lock this is because "insert thing here" instead of being like "hey, you broke ToU"? Or new tutorial? Balancing? New pots? Roles fix? New devs like Charly boi? New roadmap? New *insert any examples here*? New kind of event? When will the movie star wars rogue one Intended come in theaters? EBs dropping xtals? Ayy. All questions no one can answer. Why did I made a thread ? I honestly wonder the same thing...
Perhaps you should come up with ideas for mithril that you would like to see implemented and send it to the devs? :roll: They said that new eb's are coming soon. New pots are a good idea we need that. Clan roles need some fixing too. Devs have always been like Charlie, now they just have names. Seriously though the movie will probably be delayed. Go do quests if you want xtals. Now-a-days they give one out every week so I don't see what there's to complain about?
New mods would be awesome. Apparently stating "I'd like to swallow a ceiling fan" causes some mods so much pain they have to falsely silence. A sell all button is years overdue as well.
Ayy I know ebs dropping xtals will never happen - Just wanted to spawn some questions. By "like charlie" I meant kool like charly boi. As for mithril, already made a thread that mithril could be used to add perks on equips. And ye dat's all
Yeah I meant that they have always been like Charlie. Go search for posts by KaW admin and KaW community. Beyond the formal announcements they're actually pretty normal.