
Discussion in 'Wars' started by eltyr18, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Im going to call you out on forums since you decided to block me from your wall, this isnt gonna be your typical 1v1. I dont really care about this game, Im on it on average 3 times a day just to unload. So Im just gonna play to be a pain in your ass.

    You say its gonna be fun cause you have trillions banked, but you wont be adding to those millions. So while your focused on me, all the other HLBC players will get farther and farther ahead of you.

    You still never answered why your farming me either. I dont care that you are, I would just like to know the reason. This all started when I stood up for a kid who you said was "bullying" your son by playing this video game.

    I understand that you stood up for your son, but you made a thread for the sole purpose of trying to embarress a kid just because he chose to play this game the correct way. This turned you into a bully and you acted like a child. Which you later admitted on that very thread. So if you admitted I was right then why all this controversy?

    Do you hate being proved wrong? Only reason I opened my mouth is cause you went farther than just playing this game by trying to embarress a kid. Which Im assuming you are an adult since youve admitted your son is at least old enough to play this game.

    If you are an adult then you should know its not right to embarress/bully a kid, how would you feel if another parent set out to embarress your son? Ever think of that? The fact you as a parent, tried to embarress another parents son/daughter?

    Have fun trying to make me reset. Wont happen. I will do my typical routine an open this app when I go on break at work, or before I go to bed to kill time, I will just hit you until you give up.
  2. Enough of these calling out threads already. Do it in their newsfeed.
  3. I wasnt really trying to call him out, just wanted a place to talk with him 1v1 also since he decided to block me and never gave me an answer to any of this.
  4. Don't expect an answer here either. Get on with it. Being a close friend of mine, full support to Sons. Especially when you point out that the reason he had his crusade was against someone playing how it should be played then in the same post decide to complain of his farming you.
  5. Im not complaining him farming me. Im curious to why he is farming me. He can farm me all he wants, I just want to know reason why.
  6. So basically, you did the same exact thing you did, except whine that he did it?
  7. Sons is a great guy do ehh what ever he hits people it's a war game and pvp beats hitting an even repeat button any day
  8. Damn auto correct so* and eb*
  9. notice the name of this game??? its kingdoms at war, your supposed to attack and get hit. You don't need a reason, but in this case you went into his business which YOU had nothing to do with. Thats usually a big enough reason to start farming. Remember ppl this is an online game, can't really bully ppl,
    I answered your question on why he's farming you.

    lock please
  10. If you don't mind you don't need a reason. Only time a reasoning is needed is to give a counter argument otherwise, there's no need for it.
  11. You aren't calling him out yet your opening sentence is I'm calling you out? With intelligence like that no wonder you're getting yourself farmed you can't even remember what YOU'VE done lol
  12. Bullying happens all the time on kaw. However it's not the farming but the words that go with it which normally turn it into bullying IMO.

    Adults can look after themselves, but I personally don't like people bullying the kids that play this game. Nothing great in tricking, scaring or upsetting a kid in my opinion.
  13. Well maybe that person shouldn't have messed with his kid.