Some Unsolicited Advice on Argumentation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. No one cares.

    I see this written all too often. It's just about the weakest argument a person could possibly make, and here is why:

    • If just one person cares, this argument becomes invalid.

    • It draws on credibility that isn't there and lowers your own. You do not speak for "everybody."

    So, here's my unsolicited advice:

    Talking in absolutes (everybody, nobody, all, every, none, never, always, etc) boxes you in and makes you an easy target. When you talk in absolutes, all it takes is just one example to counter your entire argument. Always avoid absolutes! 

    Instead of saying "no one cares," think about why you're saying that and try to articulate it. For example, if someone writes a thread about how to count the number of hairs on your head, instead of writing "nobody cares," why not try something more descriptive, like "I think that would be a big waste of time." You have both shared your argument and expressed your reason. Plus you've opened it up to a discussion where you may learn the value of counting your head hair (if there is one).

    Or, you could simply ask the question: why should anyone care? Now you've flipped the argument and placed the heavy lifting back into their lap. Make them explain why we should care.
  2. Why should I care?
  3. :lol: you shouldn't!
  4. I think this thread was a waste of time. :)
    I don't care, but someone out there might.
  5. From what I've seen, people who write 'No one cares' are trolls or not interested in being more descriptive/constructive/helpful. This thread will probably not have much of an impact on people who can only manage 'no one cares' :roll:
  6. prepare yourselves, the trolls are coming..
  7. Excellent argument! 
  8. Fair point. I used to use no one cares until I took a class on critical thinking. Then I learned why it's such a bad argument.

    Hopefully someone who uses "no one cares" will read this and realize why using it doesn't work.
  9. Oh, I'm sure they'll be here, especially on this type of thread.

    Don't worry - nobody cares what trolls think ;)
  12. Only siths deal in absolutes
  13. You should pursue politics
  14. Here's some career advice, become a lawyer or a politician, they like to talk when next to nobody will listen
  15. No one cares
  16. Then why the hell did yoga say "Do or do not. There is no try."?!
  17. Does that mean Yoda is a sith? 
  18. Wait..... Yoga?


    *drops mic
    I'm done.