Some Problems and Suggestion to EE war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SPlDERMAN, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Dear kaw Support,

    I played KAW many years and I love this game very much. However, recently the EE war schedule was suitable for those Asian country players. I can say out of 12 wars schedule only 1 EE war is suitable for Asian players whom are married and that is War 4 which is SGT 10pm. The rest of the timing was not suitable at all example : War 1 is SGT 10am ( most of them working)., War 2 SGT 6 am ( most just wake up prepare to work and schooling) , War 4 SGT 3 am ( most of them are sleeping) etc etc.

    Maybe I could suggest this way,

    1) We can make EE war like a system war which can engage any time frame. Of course the clan owner must gathers enough players , once the clan got enough players, the owner of the clan will engage War button and the matching will starts, the rest will be the same.

    2) in event that there is no match, the clan have to wait anotherrs 4 to 6 hrs before they can engage again Or you can do it in such a way is that once owner engaged the button, dev can stArt searching for matching while the rests of the team members can continue to to eb.

    I think this way it will more respond to the EE war.

    This is just only my suggestion.

    Please comments.

    Best Result,
  2. I'm also in Asian time zone. War 9 is not bad but I wished it wouldn't start in the middle of dinner. The problem of EE wars starting any time like system wars is that match ups could then be rigged and we would get the pwar system we previously had in 2011.
  3. No trolls welcomeGreat idea. Would help me a lot for more wars. :)