Look at lost legends 14 days ago they completed the frozen city in exactly 6 hours with a weakling look.
Like i know how to one shot any eb. And it would look like that tfc. Unless they got last hit as time ran out?
No one hacked relax, if you read the forum a week ago you would know, stop spreading false information, that's bannable btw
Elite what happened is people were hitting, got frustrated, left and it was low enough that this guy was able to kill it, albeit barely.
This works when an entire clan does the EB and then kicks all but that tiny guy, and the tiny account gets the finishing hit. The EB history only shows players active in the epic battle that were in the clan at the time of completion
When actives leave, their hits go too. Using this its possible to create the illusion of some crazy stuff lol
River thats how you 1 shot an eb. Except the guy doing one shot has to start eb (or do a fail action)