Some ideas for PvP event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thesnowdragon003, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Dear Devs,

    Thanks so much for the PvP event. I enjoy to farm ppls for favors or be farmed to drop favors. This could be one of the interesting thing to keep me playing KAW.

    However, the 14 day is way to long for me and I guess also for most ppls. So my idea is let ppls cast opt-in spell to join the PvP event, and the spell is only last for 2 hours.
    You can cast spell any time to join the 2 hours PvP, and you can only cast the spells 2-3 times in 24 hours. Event can be still 14 days.

    The other problem is this Event is called PvP. It supposed person vs person. However,
    Some ppls just farm their alts to gain big drops. They don’t need to search any targets as their alts are already their juicy targets. They actually are doing P v Alt.
    Some ppls just grou or clan farm ppl who hitting them, they cast opt-in spell to hit ppl for favors but they don’t’ accept ppls to hit them lol. They actually are doing Clan v P
    So, my idea is when ppls cast opt-in spell, they can only hit the other target with opt-in spell and all incoming actions will not show the name. Means ppls never know who is hitting u when you opt-in. Lets do a real PvP !!!
  2. id just like to be able to opt in out when you sleep so you can sleep peacefully
  3. Or kaw should randomly put u up against a opponents, it choses for u, matches u up 2 a common stat playes r rank of stats. Would eliminate all alt hitting and clan team hitting. BAMM UR PROBLEM SOLVED. but i really dont give 4 farts...
  4. I join that clan vs 1, I'll help that 1, not very fair for an entire group against 1
  5. That would solve some problems Bigfoot, still not as high I personally like to hit, but it would work
  6. Event warrior asking for real pvp. K den
  7. I am not the one Vs group or clan.
    Its just not fair for other ppls when somebody doing P v Alt or clan v P to make himself at top10, top100.
  8. How about we all start by asking you to go back to elementary and improve upon your grammar skills