some cool. answer this for me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by renamed9874929, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. What. C.s should I be at to beat ebs in the level as haunting
  2. At least 35 million raw stats for your attack.
  3. You should be able to hit it at your size
  4. That should be good, use a few pots and you'll b good
  5. Thanks frens . I was starting to think everyone who played this game are butt holes
  6. Lol I'm a butt hole I'm just in a good mood.

    Feel lucky
  7. They are
  8. You can find your raw stats here

  9. I hardly feel lucky . I'm s butt hole to lol I got silenced permenatly
  10. It will be labeled "your stats"
  11. Make that number into 35,000,000
  12. I have another 34 million to go...
  13. I can hit haunts all the way down. :lol:
  14. Now here's one for you.
